[KL 804]                                                                                           Sub. Code : 4712

First Semester
(Revised Regulation)
First Year
(Modified Regulation)
Paper II / III -        ANATOMY

Time : Three hours                                                                                                                Maximum : 75 marks
Two and a half hours                                                                                Sec. A  &  Sec  B  : 55 marks, Sec. C  : 20 marks                                                                                                                                          

Answer Sections and A and B in separate answer books.
Answer Section in the answer sheet provided.

1. Define an endocrine gland and name the endocrine glands in the human body. Describe in detail the thyroid gland                                                 (15)

2, Name the organs of respiration. Describe the location, coverings and features of lungs.                                                                                (15)


3. Write short notes on any Six of the following:
                                                                       ( 6 x 5 = 30 )       
1.       Spinal cord
2.        Blood supply of heart
3.        Salivary glands
4.        Umbilical cord
5.        Tongue
6.        Gluteus maximus
7.        Uterine tube

First Semester
(Revised Regulation)
First Year
(Modified Regulation)
Paper II / III -        ANATOMY

Time : Three hours                                                                               Maximum : 75 marks
Two and a half hours                                                               Sec. A  &  Sec  B  : 55 marks      
for Sec. A and Sec B                                                                               Section C   : 20 marks

Answer Sections and A and B in separate answer books.
Answer Section C in the answer sheet provided.


1. Enumerate the different parts of Digestive system. Add a note on small intestine. (15)

2. Write short notes on any THREE of the following:  ( 3 x 5 = 15 )      
  1. Nephron.
  2. Urinary bladder
  3. Placenta
  4. Parotid salivary gland.

3. List the internal organs of female reproductive system
    Discuss the structure and functions of uterus.                                                       (5+10)

4. Write short notes on any TWO of the following :
                                                                                                                      ( 2 x 5 = 10 )
  1. Graffian Follicle
  2. Prostate
  3. Seminal vesicles
  4. Urogenital triangle.

                                                       SECTION C                                           
(for answers click section C and see the powerpoint file which downloads automatically)

1.        The venous drainage of the intestines is mainly through
a)        Inferior Vena Cava
b)        Superior Vena Cava
c)        Portal Vein
d)        Gastroduodenal vein

2.        The taste buds of the tongue are called
a)        Filiform Papillae
b)        Fungiform Papillae
c)        Vallate Papillae
d)        All of the above
e)        None of the above

3.        The palatine tonsils belong to the
a)        Digestive system
b)        Nervous system
c)        Lymphoreticular system
d)        Respiratory system

4.        The number of deciduous and permanent teeth are
a)        20 and 32 respectively
b)        24 and 32 respectively
c)        18 and 34 respectively
d)        20 and 20 respectively

5.        Stenson's duct drains
a)        The parotid salivary gland
b)        The submandibular salivary gland
c)        The sublingual salivary gland
d)        The pancreas

6.        The pyloric sphincter is situated at
a)        The upper end of stomach
b)        The lower end of stomach
c)        The ileocaecal junction
d)        The anus

7.        The nephron is the basic unit of the :
a)        Nervous system
b)        Crculatory system
c)        Brain 
d)        Kidney

8.        The urinary bladder is lined by
a)        Ciliated columnar epithelium
b)        Squamous epithelium
c)        Transitional epithelium
d)        Cuboidal epithelium

9.        Vas Deferens is part of
a)        Vocal cord
b)        Spermatic cord
c)        Umbilical cord
d)        Laeral cord of the brachial plexus

10.        Fimbria is a part of
a)        The uterus
b)        The one of the skull bones
c)        The fallopian tube
d)        The upper limb

11.        Placenta is formed by
a)        Trophoblast
b)        Chorion
c)        Uterus
d)        Amnion

12.        Myometrium is
a)        A layer of the small intestine
b)        Indicates the length of any muscle
c)        Is a  unit of muscle strength
d)        Is a layer of the uterus

13.        The Uterus is normally
a)        vertical
b)        anteverted
c)        retroverted
d)        spherical in shape

14.        Grafian Follicle contains
a)        The corpus luteum.
b)        The corpus albicans
c)        The ovum .
d)        The zygote.

15.        Deferent duct and the lower part of the seminal vesicle join to form
a)        Prostatic duct
b)        Ejaculatory duct
c)        Stensen's duct
d)        Wharton's duct 

16.        The prostate is
a)        Posterior to the anal canal
b)        Anterior to the anal canal
c)        Superior to the urinary bladder
d)        Lateral to the uterus .

17.        The sperm and ovum contain
a)        Diploid number of chromosomes
b)        Haploid number of chromosomes
c)        23 pairs of chromosomes
d)        23 + 1 number of chromosomes

18.        The ligaments supporting the uterus are : -  
a)        The round ligament    
b)        The broad ligament .
c)        The uterosacral ligament
d)        All of the above

19.        Through the carpal tunnel passes the
a)        Ulnar nerve
b)        Radial nerve
c)        Median nerve
d)        Sciatic nerve

20.        One primary oocyte gives rise to
a)        Four polar bodies
b)        One polar body and one Secondary oocyte
c)        Three polar bodies and one ovum
d)        One primary oocyte, one secondary oocyte and one ovum

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MCQs for ESIC Staff Nurse Exam Model Question Answers 2019
MCQs for Nursing Students 3
MCQs for Nursing Students 2
MCQs for Nursing Students 1
Self Examination of breast in Tamil powerpoint (the powerpoint will be downloaded automatically into your computer on clicking the link
MCQs on clinical Paediatrics by Vipin Vageriya

MCQs on burns    
MCQs on anatomy and Physiology Vipin Vageriya   
MCQs on Anatomy GIT Vipin Vageriya  
MCQs on Cell, Tissue, Skeleton System and Joint Vipin Vageria
DR NTRUHS MSc Nursing Entrance Exam 2014
Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam MCQs 1   
LNJP Hospital, New Delhi Staff Nurse  II Examination 2013   

Induction of Labor
Factors affecting Arterial Blood Pressure
Long Saphenous Vein and its clinical importance     

Pyramidal Tracts    
Artificial Respiration     

Midwifery & Gynecology
Preterm Labor   
Risks of Pre-labour Rupture of Membranes       
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension   
Postpartum Hemorrhage  
Induction of Labor
Molar Pregnancy
Tubal Pregnancy (Ectopic Pregnancy)   
Caesarian Section   
Abruptio Placentae   
Amniotic Fluid Embolism     
Minor Disorders of Pregnancy   
Mechanism of normal labour  
Physiological and endocrinal changes in Pregnancy  
Maternal and Child Health Nursing Practice Quiz 5 (50 Questions)       
Maternal and Child Health Nursing Practice Quiz 3    
Maternal and Child Health Nursing Practice Quiz 4
Breast Feeding
Cord Prolapse 
placenta previa  
Infertility - male & female 
Vernix Caseosa   
Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Kerala University/Obstetrical & Gynecological Nursing Sep 2019 B.Sc. question paper
Medical Nursing Including Pathology Supplementary April 2019 Scheme 2010

Nursing Research and Statistics supplementary April 2019.html
Med Sur Nursing Adult Including Geriatrics II 2016 Scheme
ESIC Staff Nurse Exam Solved Question Papers - Paper II
Medical Surgical Nursing Exam NLE Pre Board 20 Items.html
Bronchial asthma
Status asthmaticus
Complications of pulmonary tuberculosis
Nursing care in pulmonary tuberculosis
Biceps muscles - biceps brachii - Biceps femoris

Powerpoint presentation on  Guillain Barre Syndrome     

Mental Health Nursing
Fugue, a dissociative disorder
alcohol wthdrawal syndrome
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Delirium Nursing Strategies
Bipolar Affective Disorders
Intellectual Development 
Somatoform Disorders
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Physiology topics
Mechanism of Respiration
Blood Grouping
coagulation Factors
contents and functions of middle ear
Endocrine glands and hormones
Functions of nephron, kidney
Functions of Saliva.html
Structure and functions of nephron / kidney
Special Senses and Receptors
Respiratory Center
Reflex Arc
Parts of GIT and their functions
Neuromuscular Junction
Mitosis and Meiosis
MCQs on Respiratory System 1
Functions of Saliva, Insulin, tastes, Placental Hormones
Endocrine glands and hormones
Blood and Blood Components
Blood transfusion
FAQ on Blood Transfusion
Menstrual Cycle   
Cardiac Cycle
Cerebrospinal Fluid 
Hormones of the posterior pituitary gland  

Anatomy topics
Carpal Bones
Bones of the upper limb and shoulder girdle
Elbow Joint
Fallopian/Uterine Tube
Sciatic Nerve
Facial nerve

Stages of intellectual development
Instrumental Learning, Learning

Recent Additions
Common congenital anomalies of the urinary tract 
Levels of Amputation             
Meniere's Disease     
Hide porter's disease / Anthrax    
Bell's Palsy
Recent Additions in
Test Normals in hematology
Laboratory Diagnosis of PT
Disinfectants and hand hygiene
Nosocomial Infection
Malarial parasite and its life cycle                    
Ascaris lumbricoides         
Sterilization Methods    
Salmonella typhi                
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Biomedical Waste Management
Rabies Virus     
Hepatitis B Virus        
Taenia solium (tapeworm)